> HKI of "Home Sweet Home: Let's Decorate" App

From PKM-KC competition, my team successfully create "Home Sweet Home: Let's Decorate" App which implement Augmented Reality. Then this app we registry to HKI. Here is the HKI certificate of "Home Sweet Home: Let's Decorate" App.

> Get Funded from PKM-KC

Submit “Home Sweet Home: Let’s Decorate” proposal to Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa (PKM-KC) held by KEMENRISTEK DIKTI. The proposal was discuss about how to make a mobile application for make easy people in design home interior with Augmented Reality technology. This proposal get funded from KEMENRISTEK DIKTI with total 5 million

> Published Paper in Sinta 3 Journal

Published “Klasifikasi Judul Berita Clickbait Menggunakan RNN-LSTM” paper which discuss classification the title of online news is the title clickbait or not using RNN-LSTM algorithm. In the end, mode RNN-LSTM get 79% accuracy in training data and 77% accuracy in test data.

> Winner of Habibie Techfest AI Competitions

Create Dek-Buha or Deteksi Bullying dan Hatespeech app based on web using flask. This app implement RNN-LSTM model to classify and detect hatespeech or bullying in WhatsApp chat with upload chat history to Dek-Buha app.